Friday, October 2, 2009

Linnell's new web site and blog

My blog is moving to my new web site at I'm very excited about the progress made on the new site, the blog is up and running while the rest of the site still has a bit of work to be done. Thank you to everyone who has visited and comments here, I hope that you will visit the new site soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Illustration Friday: Welcome

"Welcome", said the spider to the fly.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bridgewood Murals Moving Forward

Here's a glimpse of the first Tropic Cove preschool rooms. The plastic is down from the walls and there has been interested visitors passing by to get a sneak peek. There will be a team of volunteers coming tomorrow so I think we will complete this room and move on to the next. Soon it will be seal coated with polyurethane and then it will be ready for all those preschools to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bridgewood Murals Painting

Painting continues at Bridgewood preschool rooms. After a short painting lesson and some instruction high school volunteers start painting the whimsical flora for this preschool room. They have been coming in everyday this week to help me set up the rooms and cut stencils for the next set of rooms along with the painting jobs they like the most. Thanks, girls!

Bridgewood Murals

This month I'm painting murals in several rooms with the assistance from volunteers and a few of my nieces at a church in Minnesota. The first two rooms are a tropical cove so we've been painting lots of plants. The photos are from the first phase of the project.